How to build better converting websites

How to build better converting websites

How to build better converting websites

Every website is built to achieve different goals – from sales, to leads, to engagement. But to create a website that actually meets those goals, it’s critical to design the right way. Here are 6 tips to create a better converting website.

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6 Tips to create a better converting website

1. Design for your users.

Put the needs of the site’s users first. If you don’t know what users’ needs are, ask them. As a user-centered agency, this principle is the foundation of everything we create. 

2. Design with a purpose.

A great website has beauty and brains. Naturally, it should look good. But it also needs to be built with a clear view of its most important goals and conversion points, and how the website will support users on their journey toward those goals. 

3. Design for discoverability.

A site must be designed in such a way that people can find it – and that starts with visibility to search engines. A good site should be technically optimized, and built so that there are relevant, engaging landing pages for users to land on.

4. Use the right website building tools.

While trying to find out How to build better converting websites, one should also consider the right tools to use. A site must be built with tools that will give the best user experience. We have our websites hosted with the best in the industry which will make sure of a 99% uptime of your website. And the best of it all is that your website will be hosted for free when you build your site and host with us. We are expert website builders.

5. Use all the experts available to help you build the best website. Like with us:

At Websites.Expert we have all the website experts you need to get the best possible website built for your application. We have a unique touch to building websites and have the distinct advantage to attach your brand to excellence by adding our name to your website “built by www.Websites.Experts” Just our brand name will convince your website users you are associating yourself with the best in the industry with whatever you do. Make sure you design your website with us – the Website Experts!

6. Make proper use of CTA (Click To Action) Buttons and images.

By strategically placing CTA buttons where customers can click through to actionable pages, you will exponentially increase your customer engagement and convert window shoppers into buyers.

Everyone’s Question however is: What kind of web design converts better?

Of course, if you haven’t checked out our website design page you will not know what a good customer engaging design looks like. Please visit our website design page and see what and eye catching designed web page is all about. A good converting website has a clean design, makes it easy for people to access information, and creates a clear conversion path that people can follow to ultimately convert. Funneling customers to your conversion spots should be a key web design element in your website.

The best converting websites have these 3 main things in common:

1. Attractive web design

Your website is the first impression your audience gets from your business. It is the world’s window into your business! The websites that convert take advantage of their web design to pull people in and get them to explore their site. It starts with an engaging meta description on Google search that will entice people to click on your website link in Google Search. For example look at our Expertly Worded Google search listing, where we indicate we are Website Experts and we pull customers with our listing that simply stands out!

Attractive web design for high converting websites means:

  • Fast page load: People want information fast, especially since over half of internet traffic is on the go with mobile, so fast page speed is essential to convert.
  • Responsive design: With so many people accessing the Internet via mobile, your site needs a responsive design that encourages Internet users to take the step to convert.
  • Intuitive navigation: Websites that convert make it easy for people to find the information they want.
  • Engaging layout: High converting websites use layouts that make it easy for people to find information on the page. These websites use white space as rest-stops for the eyes. They also use web-safe fonts and eye-catching images, graphics, and videos.

2. Clear concept and value propositions

High converting websites, like tell visitors right off the bat what their company is about and what makes their products and services unique.

The more your visitors know what your company does upfront, the more consumers who visit will feel like they can make informed purchasing decisions.

Websites that convert also identify what sets their business, products, or services apart from competitors.

3. Noticeable calls-to-action (CTAs)

Visitors convert best when they know what it is that you want them to do. That’s why high converting websites make use of calls-to-action (CTAs) which are usually banners and buttons funneling a customer into an action.

People will land on a site and say to themselves, “I’ve checked out some pages and read some information. I’m interested, but what do I do now?”

In other words, because there’s no CTA button, interested users won’t know how to take the next step towards conversion.

The best converting websites display their CTA buttons early on and give visitors plenty of opportunities to convert with lots of CTA opportunities on every page. CTA buttons help guide users to the next step, whether that step is to check out a pricing page or convert by clicking on a “buy now” button or “subscribe now” button. You could set up a page containing several CTA buttons such as:

  • Sign up
  • Shop
  • Subscribe
  • Learn more
  • Download

By using CTA buttons, you’ll help guide more leads towards conversion.

Neil Patel, the SEO sales-conversion expert has this to say about factors to consider when building high converting websites:

To create a high converting website you need to start by taking the following statistics by the website experts into account:

How to build better converting websites: Expert FAQ's and Tips

  1. Use pop-ups on your site
  2. A/B test your pages continuously
  3. Simplify form fields
  4. Add testimonials, reviews, and logos to increase trust
  5. Remove distractions
  6. Add a social signup service to make it easier to sign up from Facebook, Google, etc.
  7. Place focus on CTA’s
  8. Add Telegram chat to your site
  9. Run specials
  10. Offer a money-back guarantee
  11. Limit offer times and add a countdown timer
  12. Add upsales
  13. Make the initial step really easy

When planning to build a high converting website, consider the following:

  1. Unique Website Page visits
  2. Form submissions
  3. Clicks on links
  4. Clicks on elements, such as CTA buttons
  5. Plan your headings expertly
  6. Follow the website industry’s best practices – check what the others are doing!

Expert placement of CTA elments, especially headings will ensure that your CTA CTR’s will go through the roof.

Write Compelling, Clickable Pay Per Click Ads for Google and Facebook and even put it on your own site: One of the major website conversion strategies is to ensure that your PPC ads are highly relevant to the keywords your intended audiences are searching on Google or Facebook. Placing these ads on your own website can also increase user familiarity and entice them into a sale. You’ll also see better website conversion rates if you target long-tail keywords, as those searchers are more likely to be further in the buying cycle and therefore more likely to convert. Their searches are more specific – indicating they are close to a purchase.

Website performance has a large, measurable effect on conversion rates. Studies have consistently shown that fast page speed will result in a better conversion rate. In other words, the quicker a webpage loads, the more likely a user is to perform the targeted action on that webpage.

How quickly should a webpage load? 47% of customers expect a webpage to load in 2 seconds or less, according to Also per, testing by AI healthcare software company mPulse Mobile found that:

  • Pages that loaded in 2.4 seconds had a 1.9% conversion rate
  • At 3.3 seconds, conversion rate was 1.5%
  • At 4.2 seconds, conversion rate was less than 1%
  • At 5.7+ seconds, conversion rate was 0.6%

Other companies have experienced similar results:

  • Walmart found that for every 1 second improvement in page load time, conversions increased by 2%
  • COOK increased conversions by 7% by reducing page load time by 0.85 seconds
  • Mobify found that each 100ms improvement in their homepage’s load time resulted in a 1.11% increase in conversion

These seemingly small increases in conversion have a huge impact on how much revenue a site generates. If an e-commerce site produces 10 million dollars in sales per year, and if the conversion rate increases by 2% after the website’s load time improves by a second (as in the Walmart case study), that’s a $200,000 increase in revenue.

Conversion rate is also affected by page design, page layout, the text and images on the page, and so on. If it’s not clear to a page visitor what action they should take next, or if too many options are presented, they may bounce from the page. Independent of all these issues, website speed optimization should improve conversion rates even if the page still has other areas that need to be optimized.

Page speed affects both conversion rate and SEO. Thus, improving it can help increase both total traffic and the conversion rate for a page. The Cloudflare CDN speeds up website performance in order to help companies and website operators maximize the number of converting page visitors.

Paid search represents 2.9% of all conversions by traffic source.

(Source: Smart Insights)

So, those either looking to set up an e-commerce store and get plenty of traffic, or to set up a new store from scratch, should rely on paid search to achieve the best possible conversion. Some great advice offered by conversion rate statistics in 2020.

Mobile conversion rate stats for desktop and mobile show percentages of 4.14% and 1.82% respectively.

(Source: VWO)

In a nutshell, this means that sites viewed on desktops convert better than ones viewed on mobile. Across both categories, we are witnessing a steady rise in conversion rate. In other words, it would be unwise to invest more in desktop than mobile, or vice versa. But ultimately, the desktop is where the conversions are at. This stat is somewhat surprising, considering that 63% of the online traffic in the US alone comes mobile.

Including a video on a landing page can increase CR by more than 80%.

(Source: Unbounce)

Video content is one of the “big guns” in online marketing. It can help customers not only to learn more about your business but also to engage their attention and increase their desire to buy.

Since we’re talking about conversion rate facts, it’s only fitting to mention the biggest player in e-commerce.

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